First Christian Church © Copyright. All Rights Reserved

Phone: 219.663.1853



Service and Location

First Christian Church

Sunday School classes 10:45 am 

We are a church. 

We meet together to worship God, to understand Scripture, and to serve one another. We have one main goal: to make it to Heaven. If we don’t get there — nothing else matters. Inside us, we contain a heavenly treasure; but our outside is still just clay. We rejoice that our sins are forgiven and want everyone else to know this same deliverance and joy. We examine the Bible steadily to deepen our understanding of the nature and the work of God the Father. 

We are loyal.

We believe and practice grace. We stand by one another through good and through bad. We rejoice with those that rejoice, and we weep with those that weep.

We have something to share. 

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Lord of Glory. This is the One Whom we serve, we follow, we love. Of Him we have been born again.

This is who we are, and who we seek to be, at First Christian Church. 
We invite you to join us in our journey from Earth to Heaven.

Sunday Morning Worship at 9:30 am​
Sunday School Classes at 10:45 am

495 S. Indiana Ave. Crown Point, IN 46307

Sunday School Hour offers separate classes

for young children and for the adults.

Come Worship with Us

Sunday Service at 9:30 am